Our team of highly experienced recruiters bring, on average, over 11 years’ recruiting experience and we have several senior leaders with excess of 25 years’ experience recruiting in their specific disciplines. NSA is committed to building a culture that respects and embraces diversity.
The secret to our company’s success is a dedication to superior networking skills. Not only are we constantly on the lookout for candidates from all fields, but we also staff team members who closely follow industry trends and who are trade association members within the specific industries. By maintaining this extensive network of professionals, we stand out as among the best recruiting firms in the region. When you partner with us, you’ll have access to a consultant with extensive experience in their given area, bringing with them all their knowledge regarding the business, their competition, and any market conditions that may affect the process. Whether you are a small start-up or a Fortune 500 company, our methods will work for you.
Our job doesn’t begin and end with networking. Unlike other recruitment firms in the area, we provide a highly scientific, data-based approach to executive recruitment. With hundreds of thousands of resumes in our database, we can quickly and easily match you with an ideal candidate for the position you need. With an average of over 10 years of experience, you can trust our account managers to effectively use data to your advantage. Unlike Internet-based searches, this method allows us to find passive candidates who possess the perfect qualifications, but who may not be currently active in the market.
Once we’ve found the right candidate for your needs, we’ll gauge their interest and set up a meeting for you quickly. We’ll stay by your side throughout the entire process, not stopping until you have filled the position and are satisfied with your candidate. Get in touch with our team right away to go over all your options and begin the process of locating the ideal candidate with the help of our executive recruitment firm.
Contact us to begin the process of finding the ideal candidate. We are proud to serve domestically as well as internationally.