National Search Associates is a proud donor to The American Cancer Society and we’d like to take this opportunity to highlight this wonderful cause.

The American Cancer Society is on a mission to save lives, celebrate lives, and lead the fight for a world without cancer. In order to accomplish this mission, they conduct research, share expert information, support patients, and spread the word about prevention. The American Cancer Society was founded in 1913 by 10 doctors and 5 laypeople in New York City (initially called American Society for the Control of Cancer). By 1935, there were 15,000 active participants in the ASCC throughout the United States, and by the close of 1938, there were about 150,000 people involved in the program. Today, The American Cancer Society relies on millions of volunteers across the globe to achieve their mission and, since 1946, they have invested more than $4.8 billion in research, including funding for 47 researchers who went on to win the Nobel Prize.

In 2017, 79% of American Cancer Society resources were invested in cancer research, patient support, prevention information, education, detection and treatment. The other 21% of resources were used to fund our management and general expenses, and fundraising expenses.

In general, the American Cancer Society global initiatives are concentrated in 4 key areas:
• Cancer Prevention
• Cancer Treatment
• Cancer Patient Support
• Capacity Development

To date, The American Cancer Society has provided:
• 8.5 million free rides to treatment provided for cancer patients since 2005 through Road To Recovery
• 4 million free nights of lodging through our Hope Lodge communities
• Helped deliver over 800,000 low- or no-cost cancer screenings in under served communities

To learn more, please visit their website at: https://www.cancer.org/